Exciting world premiere release of Max Steiner’s legendary soundtrack from The Caine Mutiny! Humphrey Bogart stars in famous 1954 Academy Award-nominated role as Captain Queeg, helming aging naval minesweeper U.S.S. Caine during WWII in the Pacific. Columbia film also gets Academy Award nomination for “Best Picture” with Edward Dmytryk directing, Stanley Kramer producing. Numerous famed stars add support including Fred MacMurray, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson, E.G. Marshall, Lee Marvin, others. Newcomers Robert Francis (sadly killed in a plane crash soon after his promising debut here), May Wynn (Donna Lee Hickey, officially adapting her on-screen character name as her stage name) give standout performances as well. Max Steiner also gets Academy Award nomination for his rousing action-packed score. It’s of interest to note Bogart lost the Oscar that year to Marlon Brando for On The Waterfront, made all the more ironic since Brando lost the Streetcar Named Desire Oscar race in 1951 to Bogart for The African Queen. (On The Waterfront by Leonard Bernstein is also available on Intrada CDs.)

Through combined efforts of Columbia Pictures and Intrada, entire score has been restored from mono music elements stored on D/M/E rolls, happily free of any dialog or sound effects. Every cue survives! Included with Intrada CD is vocal performance seen on screen by May Wynn of “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me”, followed by George Duning instrumental arrangement of same Jimmy McHugh tune for subsequent scene in film, made important soon afterwards as Steiner’s primary “love theme” of score. Dynamic “hustle and bustle” fanfare-theme heard throughout represents spirited life aboard wartime vessel. Stirring major-key martial theme shares equal time, plays for the Navy and the Caine herself. Several exciting set pieces feature: training sequence “Lost Paravane”, battle sequence “Yellow Streak”, vivid and dramatic “Queeg Rants”. Historical footnote of import: RCA prepared an LP in 1954 of dramatic highlights with no Steiner score free of dialog or sound effects. LP, emphasizing un-scored court-martial sequence, was immediately withdrawn due to legalities and few copies made it to market. Even without score sans dialog or effects, LP value today is in the thousands of dollars.

Intrada CD presentation makes actual Max Steiner score available at last… and at a fraction of that price! Should make Steiner fans delirious! Score recorded at Columbia Pictures Recording Studio, Max Steiner composes, Morris Stoloff conducts, Murray Cutter orchestrates. Intrada Special Collection CD available while quantities and interest remain!

Track List:

01. Main Title (4:02)
02. I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love
With Me (Vocal) (1:32)
03. I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love
With Me (Instrumental) (1:51)
04. Keith Meets Navy (1:16)
05. Top To Bottom (2:43)
06. Lost Paravane (4:47)
07. Meet Queeg (1:02)
08. De Vriess Leaves (0:42)
09. Off To Target (0:31)
10. Shirt Tail (2:17)
11. To The Barn (1:00)
12. Mother Meets May (1:35)
13. Love In The Valley (4:42)
14. Escort Jacob (0:51)
15. Yellow Streak (4:25)
16. The Plaque (0:20)
17. Mental Disorders (1:26)
18. Queeg Rants (3:16)
19. Berries, Anyone? (0:32)
20. On The Bible (1:05)
21. See Halsey (3:47)
22. Storm Warning (1:54)
23. Phone May (2:13)
24. Greenwald Takes Case (0:40)
25. End Title (2:03)
Total Score Time: 47:00

The Extras
26. Main Title / I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love
With Me (Vocal) (5:32)
27. Bos’n Whistle (0:11)
28. He’s A Jolly Good Fellow (0:36)
Total Extras Time: 6:25

In order to purchase the new CD release, please visit label’s official page.