Composer cameos is a rare thing in movies. And nobody expected that maestro John Williams agreed to appear in a forthcoming film as a bartender. Of all the roles, it’s the least you would expect him to portray. He abandons the baton for a while, goes behind the bar, and waits for the director’s “action”!

Producer Kathleen Kennedy talked to director J. J. Abrams about a John Williams cameo in “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (2019) and he immediately agreed! The composer was not so sure about the cameo, he though it was a bit silly, so he mentioned the idea to his wife Samantha. She was thrilled and suggested he should say yes! She joked by saying that the cameo would be more important than writing the score of the film.

John Williams appeared as a bartender in a cantina on planet Kijimi. His character’s name is Oma Tres, an anagram for “maestro”. The production had made a gallery of 51 items, each one from a film for which he received an Academy Award Nomination for original score. The items were put around him, as you can see in the following video.

So, in case you missed the maestro’s cameo, the next time you’ll watch “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”, take a closer look when the story unfolds in planet Kijimi.